Contract Policies and Agreement
Late fees will apply. Adult DE and MIP class slots must be confirmed by 6 PM Thursday before class start date. Teen DE is based on first come, first pay basis.
Cancellation Policy
A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract before midnight of the first day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, after the enrollment contract is signed by the prospective student, unless the student has completed the course and accepted a certificate of completion during that period.
Refund Policy
Refund computations will be based on actual instruction received through the last day of attendance. The effective day of the termination for purposes will be the earliest of the following: (a) the last day of attendance, if the student is terminated by the school (b) the date of receipt of written notice from the student.
If tuition is collected in advance of entrance and, if after the expiration of the 72-hour cancellation privilege, the student does not enter school, terminates enrollment, or withdraws, the school may retain up to $50 as administrative expenses and, from the remainder, shall refund that portion of classroom tuition and fees and behind-the-wheel tuition and fees for services not previously received by the student.
Refunds for items of extra expense to the student, including instructional supplies, books, laboratory fees, service charges, rentals, deposits, and all other such ancillary miscellaneous charges, will be made within 30 days after the effective date of enrollment termination, if these items are stated separately and shown as part of the data furnished the student before
Teen DE Contract
A full refund of all tuition and fees is due and refundable in each of the following cases: (a) when an enrollee is not accepted by the school (1)) if the course of instruction is discontinued by the school at this location (c) if the student's enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or misrepresentation by the
owner or representation of the school. Refunds shall be completed within 30 days after the effective date of termination.
Notice to Parents & Guardians From the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR):
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation licenses this driver education school and its instructors. As the parent or guardian of a teenager, you are entitled to know the minimum requirements of a teen driver education course. to cancel your teen, you must come in to sign for cancellation
1. There are thirty-two (32) required hours of classroom instruction. The classroom instruction phase shall be completed within the timelines stated in this contract, and all 32 hours must be attended and successfully completed or made up. Only two (2) hours of scheduled classroom instruction are permitted per day.
2. Your teen must attend the first six (6) hours of classroom instruction before a learner’s permit will be issued by DPS
3. Seven (7) clock hours of in-car driving instruction and an additional seven (7) hours of in-car observation are required. Sixty (60)- minutes of actual driving per day is the maximum allowable.
4. There is a maximum of four (4) hours of driver’s training activities per day. These activities includes scheduled classroom, make-up classroom, and behind the wheel driving. In-car observation time is unlimited. 5. If your teen transfers to another school or driver training program, timelines may change and credits for classroom and/or in-car training may not be transferable to the new driver training school. 6. In-car driving and observation must be completed within the timelines stated in this contract (Note: During peak enrollment periods in-car instruction times could be subject to availability.) 7. If you have reasons to believe that minimum requirements are not being met, - please call the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation at (512) 463-6599.
WAIVER Driving lessons are usually scheduled in pairs; however, because of pickup and delivery and occasional single lessons, a waiver signed by the parent or guardian granting permission for the student to receive one-on-one instruction is required by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation: I, _________________________, the parent or legal Guardian of _____________________ agree that my son/daughter circle one (may) or (may NOT) be provided in-car instruction on an individual (one-on-one) basis with only the instructor and the student present in the vehicle driving instruction . This waiver shall be effective for seven (7) lessons and possible retest. I understand that failure to sign this waiver will not prevent my son /daughter from being accepted in the course, and that the school will make every effort to schedule two or more students per vehicle. However, my son/ daughter will be prohibited from in-car instruction on a specific day if he/she is the only student available for an in-car lesson. _______________________________________ Signature of Parent or guardian and date ____________________________________________ _ Signature of Director Driver Education Enrollment Policies
Policy If a student is absent in excess of 25% (8 hours) of the scheduled classroom training time, he/she will be terminated. A full hour of absence is charged to the student when he/she does not attend the full 55 minutes of instruction during a 60-minute period. No Show: Drive lessons will result in a $50.00 charge before rescheduling. Missed drive fee must be paid within (3) business days. Makeup Policy Classroom: The student shall complete all classrooms and drive make-up lessons within 90 days of the first scheduled day of class. If the student fails to complete the entire classroom phase, including all make-up lessons within the 90-day period, the student shall be terminated and the permit cancelled. Take- home make-up may be authorized for the purpose of removing absences. In addition, students may choose from the following three make-up times: (1) Attend the missed lesson during the NEXT regularly scheduled session at no charge. If there are more than 36 students in the NEXT class, a make-up will not be permitted, as TDLR does not allow more than 36 students in a class. (2) Self-study lessons for make-up at no cost may be scheduled periodically. (3) All other make-up lessons must be scheduled with the school director at the rate of $15.00 per hour and paid for at the time of the lesson.
No show drive lessons will result in a $50 charge before rescheduling, and must be paid within 3 business days. Grading & Progress Policy Appropriate standards shall be implemented to as certain the progress of the students. Progress standards shall meet the requirements of the current rules adopted by the Commissioner of Education. Mastery is a prerequisite to awarding a grade of 70 or above. Evidence of mastery shall be determined by one or more of the following methods: Unit tests, assignments, class participation, teacher observation, and skills perform satisfactory progress to the point of being able to complete all subject matter within the allotted time provided in this contract. One driving retest will be given at no charge. All other retests will be at a cost of $35.00 each.
Rules of Operation & Conduct
A student or prospective student may be dismissed or barred from the class for tardiness, drunkenness or consumption of alcohol on the premises; rude, vulgar or disruptive behavior in the classroom; smoking or using tobacco products; or being generally inattentive (sleeping, reading, etc.) during class. Adhere to dress code for class and drives, face-mask covering is required). Students terminated for violating rules of conduct may be readmitted at the discretion of the school director. Angelo Driving will make every effort to conduct classes and in-car training according to the laws and regulation of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and the Texas Department of Public Safety. All of instructors are certified and licensed by the State. Driving is a serious undertaking, and Angelo Driving requires that students act accordingly. Disregard for the rules of the road will not be tolerated. Any actions whether in the classroom or in the car which are disruptive to the learning process or dangerous to the well-being of others will result termination. Instances of this nature will be dated, documented, and signed by the instructor. A pro rated refund will be made within 45 days. Reentrance will be considered only after a joint meeting of the student, parent, and the director. The director will make final decisions. Student Acknowledgment I have been furnished a copy of the school tuition schedule, cancellation and refund policy, and the school regulations pertaining to absence, grading policy, progress, and rules of conduct. I further realize that any grievances not resolved by the school may be forwarded to Driver Training Section, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157 Austin, Texas 78711
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Refund computations will be based on actual instruction received through the last day of attendance. Full refund will be given if cancellation is done within 72 hours of sign-up. The effective day of the termination for purposes will be the earliest of the following: (a) the last day of attendance, if the student is terminated by the school (b) the date of receipt of written notice from the student. If tuition is collected in advance of entrance and, if after the expiration of the 24-hour cancellation privilege, the student does not enter school, terminates enrollment, or withdraws, the school may retain up to $50 as administrative expenses and, from the remainder, shall refund that portion of classroom tuition and fees and behind-the-wheel tuition and fees for services not previously received by the student.
Refunds for items of extra expense to the student, including instructional supplies, books, laboratory fees, service charges, rentals, deposits, and all other such ancillary miscellaneous charges, will be made within 30 days after the effective date of enrollment termination, if these items are stated separately and shown as part of the data furnished the student before enrollment. A full refund of all tuition and fees is due and refundable in each of the following cases: (a) when an enrollee is not accepted by the school (1)) if the course of instruction is discontinued by the school at this location (c) if the student's enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or misrepresentation by the owner or representation of the school. Refunds may be completed within 30 days after the effective date of termination. Students must be picked up on time from class and drives. You are graced 5 minutes. Afterward A fee of $10 per 5 mins late will be charged. Int_____ I understand it is my responsibility to locate and obtain my student’s drive schedule online at and agree.
Late fees will apply. Adult DE and MIP class slots must be confirmed by 6 PM Thursday before class start date. Teen DE is based on first come, first pay basis.
Cancellation Policy
A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract before midnight of the first day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, after the enrollment contract is signed by the prospective student, unless the student has completed the course and accepted a certificate of completion during that period.
Refund Policy
Refund computations will be based on actual instruction received through the last day of attendance. The effective day of the termination for purposes will be the earliest of the following: (a) the last day of attendance, if the student is terminated by the school (b) the date of receipt of written notice from the student.
If tuition is collected in advance of entrance and, if after the expiration of the 72-hour cancellation privilege, the student does not enter school, terminates enrollment, or withdraws, the school may retain up to $50 as administrative expenses and, from the remainder, shall refund that portion of classroom tuition and fees and behind-the-wheel tuition and fees for services not previously received by the student.
Refunds for items of extra expense to the student, including instructional supplies, books, laboratory fees, service charges, rentals, deposits, and all other such ancillary miscellaneous charges, will be made within 30 days after the effective date of enrollment termination, if these items are stated separately and shown as part of the data furnished the student before
Teen DE Contract
A full refund of all tuition and fees is due and refundable in each of the following cases: (a) when an enrollee is not accepted by the school (1)) if the course of instruction is discontinued by the school at this location (c) if the student's enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or misrepresentation by the
owner or representation of the school. Refunds shall be completed within 30 days after the effective date of termination.
Notice to Parents & Guardians From the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR):
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation licenses this driver education school and its instructors. As the parent or guardian of a teenager, you are entitled to know the minimum requirements of a teen driver education course. to cancel your teen, you must come in to sign for cancellation
1. There are thirty-two (32) required hours of classroom instruction. The classroom instruction phase shall be completed within the timelines stated in this contract, and all 32 hours must be attended and successfully completed or made up. Only two (2) hours of scheduled classroom instruction are permitted per day.
2. Your teen must attend the first six (6) hours of classroom instruction before a learner’s permit will be issued by DPS
3. Seven (7) clock hours of in-car driving instruction and an additional seven (7) hours of in-car observation are required. Sixty (60)- minutes of actual driving per day is the maximum allowable.
4. There is a maximum of four (4) hours of driver’s training activities per day. These activities includes scheduled classroom, make-up classroom, and behind the wheel driving. In-car observation time is unlimited. 5. If your teen transfers to another school or driver training program, timelines may change and credits for classroom and/or in-car training may not be transferable to the new driver training school. 6. In-car driving and observation must be completed within the timelines stated in this contract (Note: During peak enrollment periods in-car instruction times could be subject to availability.) 7. If you have reasons to believe that minimum requirements are not being met, - please call the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation at (512) 463-6599.
WAIVER Driving lessons are usually scheduled in pairs; however, because of pickup and delivery and occasional single lessons, a waiver signed by the parent or guardian granting permission for the student to receive one-on-one instruction is required by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation: I, _________________________, the parent or legal Guardian of _____________________ agree that my son/daughter circle one (may) or (may NOT) be provided in-car instruction on an individual (one-on-one) basis with only the instructor and the student present in the vehicle driving instruction . This waiver shall be effective for seven (7) lessons and possible retest. I understand that failure to sign this waiver will not prevent my son /daughter from being accepted in the course, and that the school will make every effort to schedule two or more students per vehicle. However, my son/ daughter will be prohibited from in-car instruction on a specific day if he/she is the only student available for an in-car lesson. _______________________________________ Signature of Parent or guardian and date ____________________________________________ _ Signature of Director Driver Education Enrollment Policies
Policy If a student is absent in excess of 25% (8 hours) of the scheduled classroom training time, he/she will be terminated. A full hour of absence is charged to the student when he/she does not attend the full 55 minutes of instruction during a 60-minute period. No Show: Drive lessons will result in a $50.00 charge before rescheduling. Missed drive fee must be paid within (3) business days. Makeup Policy Classroom: The student shall complete all classrooms and drive make-up lessons within 90 days of the first scheduled day of class. If the student fails to complete the entire classroom phase, including all make-up lessons within the 90-day period, the student shall be terminated and the permit cancelled. Take- home make-up may be authorized for the purpose of removing absences. In addition, students may choose from the following three make-up times: (1) Attend the missed lesson during the NEXT regularly scheduled session at no charge. If there are more than 36 students in the NEXT class, a make-up will not be permitted, as TDLR does not allow more than 36 students in a class. (2) Self-study lessons for make-up at no cost may be scheduled periodically. (3) All other make-up lessons must be scheduled with the school director at the rate of $15.00 per hour and paid for at the time of the lesson.
No show drive lessons will result in a $50 charge before rescheduling, and must be paid within 3 business days. Grading & Progress Policy Appropriate standards shall be implemented to as certain the progress of the students. Progress standards shall meet the requirements of the current rules adopted by the Commissioner of Education. Mastery is a prerequisite to awarding a grade of 70 or above. Evidence of mastery shall be determined by one or more of the following methods: Unit tests, assignments, class participation, teacher observation, and skills perform satisfactory progress to the point of being able to complete all subject matter within the allotted time provided in this contract. One driving retest will be given at no charge. All other retests will be at a cost of $35.00 each.
Rules of Operation & Conduct
A student or prospective student may be dismissed or barred from the class for tardiness, drunkenness or consumption of alcohol on the premises; rude, vulgar or disruptive behavior in the classroom; smoking or using tobacco products; or being generally inattentive (sleeping, reading, etc.) during class. Adhere to dress code for class and drives, face-mask covering is required). Students terminated for violating rules of conduct may be readmitted at the discretion of the school director. Angelo Driving will make every effort to conduct classes and in-car training according to the laws and regulation of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and the Texas Department of Public Safety. All of instructors are certified and licensed by the State. Driving is a serious undertaking, and Angelo Driving requires that students act accordingly. Disregard for the rules of the road will not be tolerated. Any actions whether in the classroom or in the car which are disruptive to the learning process or dangerous to the well-being of others will result termination. Instances of this nature will be dated, documented, and signed by the instructor. A pro rated refund will be made within 45 days. Reentrance will be considered only after a joint meeting of the student, parent, and the director. The director will make final decisions. Student Acknowledgment I have been furnished a copy of the school tuition schedule, cancellation and refund policy, and the school regulations pertaining to absence, grading policy, progress, and rules of conduct. I further realize that any grievances not resolved by the school may be forwarded to Driver Training Section, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157 Austin, Texas 78711
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Refund computations will be based on actual instruction received through the last day of attendance. Full refund will be given if cancellation is done within 72 hours of sign-up. The effective day of the termination for purposes will be the earliest of the following: (a) the last day of attendance, if the student is terminated by the school (b) the date of receipt of written notice from the student. If tuition is collected in advance of entrance and, if after the expiration of the 24-hour cancellation privilege, the student does not enter school, terminates enrollment, or withdraws, the school may retain up to $50 as administrative expenses and, from the remainder, shall refund that portion of classroom tuition and fees and behind-the-wheel tuition and fees for services not previously received by the student.
Refunds for items of extra expense to the student, including instructional supplies, books, laboratory fees, service charges, rentals, deposits, and all other such ancillary miscellaneous charges, will be made within 30 days after the effective date of enrollment termination, if these items are stated separately and shown as part of the data furnished the student before enrollment. A full refund of all tuition and fees is due and refundable in each of the following cases: (a) when an enrollee is not accepted by the school (1)) if the course of instruction is discontinued by the school at this location (c) if the student's enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or misrepresentation by the owner or representation of the school. Refunds may be completed within 30 days after the effective date of termination. Students must be picked up on time from class and drives. You are graced 5 minutes. Afterward A fee of $10 per 5 mins late will be charged. Int_____ I understand it is my responsibility to locate and obtain my student’s drive schedule online at and agree.